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mt+1 = mt *(2*b)
if b = 1 the fitness of mutant and non-mutant is the same. The algorithm for this model is as follows: 
Let the initial number of cells N0 = 1.
Generation t: we have Nt cells with mt of them being "old" mutants.
Generation t+1:
mt mutant cells are not allowed to remute and just divide to produce
Nt - mt are normal cells and n of them will experience mutation so
Nt - mt -n divide normally i.e. 2*(Nt -mt -n).
The n new mutants just give one mutant plus one normal (assumption B) per cell
so we have n normal + n new mutants.
If we sum up:
Nt+1 = 2*b*mt + 2*(Nt -mt -n) + n + n, which finally gives
Nt+1 = 2*[Nt - mt*(1-b)] and
mt+1 = 2bmt + n
Given the above algorithm, the population size follows 
Nt = 2tN0 - (1-b)f(M)
where t is the generation number, b is the fitness (growth rate) of the mutant cells and f(M) is a function of the accumulated number of mutations. If b = 1 the population size is 
Nt = 2tN0
which corresponds to the Haldane's formulation as described in Zheng (2007). 
Platting efficiency 
Plating efficiency refers to the fraction of mutants that finally form observable colonies. It is equivalent to sampling the culture (Gerrish 2008). If we express plating efficiency as a fraction p from the number of mutants before plating 
m't+1 = 2bmt + n
then we sample each mutant for platting with probability p to get an expected final number of
mt+1 = pm't+1