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1. SR: Sampling with replacement. The availability of individuals for mating is not affected by the previous mating. This scenario corresponds to polygamous species as well to monogamous in which only a fraction of the population individuals mate.
2. I-EM: Individual-encounter mating model (Gimelfarb 1988, Carvajal-Rodríguez 2019). There is only one encounter at a time. If the mating is successful the population frequencies of available individuals are updated. This scenario may be adequate for monogamous species with low population size.
3. M-EM: Mass-encounter mating model. Similar to i-EM but several pairs can be formed simultaneously. As before, the population frequencies are updated after each mating round.
The trait involved in the mating process is discrete. Given the population frequencies p1 and p2 for female and males, respectively,
the expected number of occurrences for the mating i × j in a sample of size n is (Carvajal-Rodriguez 2018)
Q(i,j) = n × p1i × p2j × mij / M
After each mating round, the population frequencies are updated depending on the pair formation model.
The trait involved in the preference process is continuous. MateSim implements Gaussian or logistic preferences depending on how we parametrize the general preference function
f= exp(α0 +α1Z)
Given an encounter and the preference function value fij, the mating probability for a pair i,j will be
pij = fij / fmax
where fmax is the maximum over the available matings.
Given an encounter, consider the logistic variable fi for the female with trait i, then the mating probability of this female is
pi = 1 / ( 1+ fi-1)
Similarly, the mating probability of male j is pj = 1 / ( 1+ fj-1).
Therefore, the mating probability for a pair i,j will be
pij = pi x pj
Under this option, single individuals become impatient as time passes and an increasing number of marriages were performed, especially if neither polygamy nor divorce is allowed (Xie et al. 2015). Therefore as time passes the individuals become less choosy proportional to the number of marriages already performed.
It seems realistic to consider that independently of the mating trait, the mating probability of an individual decreases with age.
This may occur because the individual becomes old, sick or sterile or simply has not enough energy to invest in mating. We model the aging process regarding to mating, by means of the Weibull distribution.
This distribution is versatile and adequate for modeling time-to-failure processes.
In our context, the survival function R(t) represents the probability that at age t an individual is not yet sterile.
R(t) = Prob(T>t) = exp[-((t - γ)/α)β]
An individual is considered sterile at time t when U ≥ R(t) where U follows an uniform(0,1).
If the individual happened to be sterile then it is discarded from the population.