Version 1.0.8 (November 2006): Estimation of asymmetry added to the bootstrap
Version 1.0.7 (November 2005):
Download most recent version JMating Version 1.0.8 (November 2006):
For any questions about the options of the program or the source code, you can contact me
The JVM is included also in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE). The Java Runtime Environment is downloadable on the sun website at J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE) for Windows and Unix-like and at Java 1.4.2 for MacOS X .
To test your JVM
JMating allows to perform in an easy and intuitive way the most important sexual isolation and sexual selection estimates (see Pérez-Figueroa, A., Caballero, A.and Rolán-Alvarez, E.: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 85 (3), 2005, pp 307-318 ). Including the index of pair sexual isolation (Ipsi, Rolán-Alvarez and Caballero: Evolution 54(1), 2000, pp. 30-36). It also allows for efficient bootstrapping of the estimators for testing hypothesis about sexual selection and isolation.
You have to unzip the file and then you will have a set of files into a JMating directory:
# format number
# num of types
#premating male numbers
1 2 1
# premating fem numbers
3 4 1
# matings by rows (females)
1 7 2
11 1 4
3 8 12After opening the file you will see a table filled with the data of the file:
Create table
The user can optionally create a table and fill it instead of reading data from a file. This table can be saved to a file using the option save table in File menu.
After any analysis the results will appeared in a panel. The user can edit this panel to delete or add whatever she/he wants. When the save results option is used what is saved is the current content of the result pane. Note that JMating allows to separately save both the table created by the users and the results obtained.
Bootstrap settings
Bootstrap conditions can be set in menu Tools -> Bootstrap settings. The default number of the option Iterations is 10,000. The maximum allowed is 100,000. The option manage 0's refers to how the bootstrapping tool should consider a 0 in a cell. The default is 0 i.e. the cell is considered as is. The option 0.5 changes 0 by 0.5 and the option 1 changes 0 by 1. Finally, the check box Bootstrap prematings refers to the possibility of boostrapping just the prematings (box unselected, default option) or to bootstrap also the premating numbers in the table (box selected).
The user can create and charge manually a table after click in the create table button and input the number of types for the table. When the table is filled the user can optionally save it to a file using the menu: File SaveTable. All the allowable analysis can be done in one step just selecting the option Analysis Perform All. The whole analysis will appear in the results pane. The content of the results pane can be saved to a file both via the Save Results button or the File Save Results menu option. The results pane can be edited in order to delete or add any comment or information.
For any statistic, when a division by zero has occurred the result will appear as a square like this □. In the bootstrapping analysis division by zero could occur at some iteration due to sampling under small sample sizes. Such cases will be ignored in the computation of the average and standard deviation (SD) estimates but will not in the computation of the probability P. However, if more than 10% cases with division by zero occur, the estimated average and SD values will be substituted by a -99 number to indicate that the program could not compute any reliable estimate.